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In the year 2000 the IFF starts with a wealth of experience accumulated over the decades and an enormous „know-how“ in the field of feed technology. The Research Association sees itself as a “think-tank” for the industry and a communication platform for its members.
For example, when the „BSE Crisis“ increasingly affected the industry in 2001, the IFF also provides individual advice to those affected or interested member companies with special themed events on current issues.
The increasing demands on the industry since the turn of the millennium in the areas of feed hygiene, animal health but also in explosion protection and occupational safety now occupy the IFF more comprehensively.
Structurally, there are some changes. First and foremost, the institute area gets its own road connection via the south side.
In 2001, the IFF has been involved with feed technology for 40 years. At the same time, the location of the „Frickenmühle“ quietly celebrates its first mention 700 years ago in the writings of the monastery Riddagshausen.